RCP Brisbane New Office Location

May 4, 2020

RCP Brisbane New Office Location

RCP in Brisbane is excited to announce that we have relocated to new office space. Our team is enjoying settling into the newly fitted out space with great city and river views, and we are committed to providing the same high quality services to clients during these unprecedented times. Our new office remains staffed and our teams have the appropriate technology in place to conduct virtual meetings. You can reach the Brisbane team via the main office phone line or contact our people directly, via mobile or email, as usual.

We ask that you update your records to reflect our new registered office address, noting that our phone number and GPO Box remain unchanged. RCP’s new Brisbane office details are as follows:

RCP Brisbane office change of address and Registered Office
Resource Co-ordination Partnership Pty Ltd (t/a RCP)
Level 15, 120 Edward Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

All other contact details remain the same:
GPO Box 2271
Brisbane Qld 4001

Phone:  +61 7 3003 4100
Email: rcp@rcp.net.au

We look forward to welcoming you to our new work space.