With the current time pressures on the industry and the importance of maintaining planned scheduled completions, did you know RCP offers risk workshops and training to ensure your pre-delivery programmes cover those risks?
As trusted advisors, RCP’s programming team is adept at providing guidance and support, tailored to each project’s needs. Working together we can help achieve the greatest return on investment while minimising risk and achieving optimum time, cost, and quality outcomes.
As an example, RCP’s Associate and National Programming Manager Mario Youssef was invited by the UDIA to present at the organisation’s Professional Development: In Depth Property Development face to face course in Brisbane.
The UDIA In-Depth Property Development course aims to advance participants’ knowledge across the residential development cycle in Queensland. Taking place across three days, the course is an opportunity to explore each facet of bringing a housing development to fruition.
Mario presented the ‘Base Project Management Techniques’ session. He provided an overview of basic project management and programming methods and discussed good practices for preparing the scope, project plan, managing time related risks and mitigation strategies for project delays, plus stakeholder management and reporting.
The session included case studies from RCP’s award winning Sydney InterContinental redevelopment and a lively interactive project team construction challenge.
Mario has delivered tailored training for clients and master classes for other industry organisations plus on-site training to upskill teams in the implementation of purpose built programming frameworks and systems.
Talk to us about how our programming advisory services can add value or give back valuable time to you and your projects.
Contact Mario: 0425 280 646 myoussef@rcp.net.au