The surveillance audit conducted for RCP on 13th September 2019 marked an auspicious occasion as it moved the company into a very elite “club” – consisting of a small number of businesses that have achieved 25 years of continual compliance to ISO 9001.
About RCP
RCP is one of Australia’s largest independent project management and specialist programming consultancies serving the construction, development and infrastructure industries. For over 35 years, RCP has delivered award-winning developments for their clients across a wide range of sectors. RCP provides trusted, professional advice across all project stages, on development management, design management, strategic project procurement, contract administration, project programming and delay claim analysis.
With offices in Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney and Townsville, RCP is committed to achieving optimum results for their clients through delivering solution focused outcomes.
Quality & Risk Management
RCP’s objective is to provide solution-focused services to their clients at the highest industry standard.
To achieve their quality and risk objectives and continually improve the services they offer, RCP undertakes an on-going and independent review process of its processes and systems.
RCP’s quality assurance system conforms to Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001 2015 and Sci-Qual International conducts regular quality surveillance audits as a third-party independent certifier. Successfully operating under this externally audited system since 1994, RCP is one of the first project management consultancies to gain independent quality assurance certification in Australia.
RCP possesses the necessary technical, professional and practical experience to effectively manage project risk. Their industry leading advice and services provide manageable risk options to achieve client objectives, thereby enhancing project outcomes.
Sci Qual International’s outgoing General Manager Ben White said, “it has been a real pleasure to work with a company of the calibre of RCP who are so committed to quality and understand the real benefits to their business and their customers from being certified to ISO 9001. I am sure our new General Manager Alain Etchegaray will enjoy this relationship and we look forward to working with RCP into the future and contributing to their business improvement activities”.
Photo: Alain Etchegaray, Sci Qual International’s new General Manager presents 25-year milestone certificate to RCP Director Greg Atkinson at the company’s Brisbane office.