RCP are proud to be continuing sponsors of the Property Council of Australia’s ANZ/Property Council Survey. The survey, which is undertaken by property industry professionals nationally, closed on the 23 June 2021.
Property industry confidence levels remained close to recent record highs as the industry continues to lead Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in new data gathered prior to the current outbreaks. The survey found that national industry confidence was at 139 points, the third highest level since the survey began.
Nationally, the forward work schedule expectations have progressively improved over the last 12 months, from last years June quarter of negative 7 index points, to positive 48 points for this quarter.
There was an upward trend for the industrial, residential and retirement construction activity expectations, which has increased significantly since the previous years results. The hospitality industry continues to be the most impacted by the pandemic and remains in negative territory.
Despite some decreases in sentiment from this quarter results, the comparison of results from the previous year revealed that there is still inherent optimism for national economic recovery amongst the industry, regardless of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To view full details of the latest ANZ/PCA June quarter survey results, please visit the Property Council of Australia website.