Queensland Health: Health Planning Infrastructure Branch & Metro South Hospital Health Service
Contract Method
Two stage Managing Contractor
13,500m2 floor area including:
- Emergency Department
- Rehabilitation Unit
- Paediatric Department
- Day Surgery Unit & Coronary Catheter Laboratory 23-hour Ward
- Multi-disciplinary simulation laboratory
- Medical officer’s Common Room
- Additional paediatric & medical outpatient consults rooms
- Off-site temporary staff car park
- Griffith University Student Care
Compressed timetable to deliver healthcare services necessitated substantial early works packages.
RCP’s role on this project included project manager client representative for the site’s masterplan; liaison with and stakeholder management of up to 80 Qld Health User Group representatives; management of the design team including preparation of concepts, schematic and design development; compliance with approved budgets; and client representative responsible for the tendering and negotiation of the contract and on-going through the construction and commissioning.
The project involved the construction of:
- New Emergency Department to link with level two of the existing Logan Hospital building, providing 18 additional adult emergency treatment spaces, 12 additional paediatric emergency treatment spaces, eight additional paediatric short stay beds and a dedicated paediatric emergency department waiting area.
- New Day Surgery Ward for elective surgery and 23 hour care providing 12 new inpatient beds, two new theatres and six new day ward recovery spaces.
- New sub – acute rehabilitation ward providing 24 rehabilitation beds including day therapy and a gym.
- New 38 bed Paediatric Ward including four paediatric 23-hour beds.
The project also includes improved site access with an additional entrance to the Emergency Department, Rehabilitation Ward and Paediatric Ward for patient drop off and access to a new ambulance deck; workplace facilities for medical and other staff; and a new education space.